Hi, all - for anyone interested, here are some upcoming events where I'll be speaking:
First, next Thursday (July 1st, 2010), I'm doing a one hour presentation (Live Meeting and audio only) on content covered in the SetFocus SQL Server Master's Program. If you want to register (it's free), go to http://www.setfocus.com/events/default.aspx to register. I'll be speaking between 3 and 4 PM. I'm doing three presentations, twenty-minutes each, on Change Data Capture in SQL 2008, dynamic file handling in SSIS 2008, and new matrix and gauge charting capabilities in SSRS 2008.
Second, I'll be at the Lehigh Valley .NET User Group, on July 19th, talking about new reporting features in SQL Server 2008R2.
Third, I'll be speaking at the New Jersey SQL Server User Group on July 20th, talking about Change Data Capture in SQL Server 2008. (Because they host the meetings at the SetFocus facility in Parsippany, which offers remote capabilities, I may be presenting from my home in Central PA. I've done this a few times before for them, and it works out fine. SetFocus has a great infrastructure for remote presentations with their interactive GRID system).
Finally, I'll be at SharePoint Saturday in Manhattan, NY, on Saturday, July 31st. I'm doing two sessions: Creating Dashboards with PerformancePoint Server 2010, and Using Excel Services and PowerPivot with SharePoint 2010.
There are some events in August and September where I'll likely be speaking (Central PA CodeCamp for one) - I'll post the dates and information shortly.