Hi, folks - the Baker is back in the kitchen, after 4 months of not touching my blog.
Two things - first, thanks to everyone who attended NYC CodeCamp yesterday (http://nyc.codecamp.us/), and a special thanks to those who attended my sessions. I wrote down a handful of very good questions that I'll eventually share - things I previously hadn't considered, that are worth working into my presentations.
It was a great CodeCamp, got to meet Nick Landry, Peter Laudati, and others. My buds JB (who is becoming the king of DNN presentations), Miguel Castro(www.dotnetdude.com), Don Demsak (www.donxml.com), and some of their friends and I went to the Heartland Brewery afterwards. I think we depleted their supply of Buffalo Chicken Rolls.
I am officially jinxed when it comes to driving. Last Tuesday it took me nearly 3 hours to get from Allentown to Harrisburg because 3 different parts of I-78 were down to one lane. Took me the same amount of time to get to NYC yesterday morning - someone decided to back up from an off-ramp and back on to the interstate. Next Christmas I'm asking Hannu-Claus for a small plane.
Some of my presentations and code are in my downloads section (just go to www.commongroundsolutions.net and go to the download page). The rest will be up in a few days.
Second....I saw a news story that almost brought tears to my eyes: http://www.wroctv.com/sports/story.asp?id=10211
Now listening to: Weekend in Monaco, the Rippingtons (some of their music is cheesier than a pizza, but some is very good)